CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO GO TO THE OFFICIAL SITE Bryan Adams Biography To say Bryan Adams hasnt earned his stardom is like saying Bill Gates got lucky" with Microsoft. After signing his first record contract at the tender age of 18, Adams embarked on a lengthy touring schedule which engulfed the young rocker for the early 80s but gained him the support of thousands of adoring fans. A classic before it was released, Cuts Like A Knife (1983) solidified his stardom, earning platinum status after only 8 months and giving Adams his first top 10 hit, Straight From The Heart" Criticized as a shallow formularization of Bruce Springsteen", the clean-cut Canadian with the trademark white T-shirt ignored his detractors, and much to the enjoyment of his growing fan base, continued to make music, releasing Reckless in 1984 on his 25th birthday. Grammy recognition soon followed silencing his critics and earning Bryan Adams the distinction of being Canadas foremost musical ambassador of the 80s. Reckless produced perhaps Adams biggest hit, the teenage anthem Summer of 69", along with perennial favorites Heaven" and Run to You". The world had taken to Bryan Adams and Canada honored him in turn. His list of awards speak for themselves: a dozen Juno Awards, a Diamond Sales Award for Reckless (which also became the best-selling Canadian album of all time), and the prized distinction of being named the Recording Artist of the Decade. After a four year recording hiatus from 1987s Into The Fire , Bryan Adams jumped back into superstar mode with 1991s Waking Up The Neighbors , which was backed by a three year world tour. Driven by the success of Everything I Do (I Do It For You)", a product of his first foray into film music, Adams sold out venues across the globe and looked destined to continued super-stardom throughout the 90s. Despite criticism that his music has weakened with commercial success and that he has become nothing more than an over-paid balladeer, Bryan Adams continues to ignore the naysayers and follow his calling. A recent Best Of collection and plans for another world tour send a clear message from Adams that like it or not, he is (in spirit) 18 till he dies, and has no plans on slowing down just yet. (Source : www.canehdian.com)

CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO GO A FAN SITE With a career spanning over 20 years and worldwide album sales that rival the biggest recording artists in the world, Bryan Adams's "I'm just the bass player in the band" attitude seems rather simple, compared to his career achievements, but that's just how he is. His songs have achieved #1 status all over the world, and his career has seen some amazing recordings with other music legends from around the world. He holds the record for the longest running #1 single in British music history with his hit "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You" and has topped the charts in the USA four times with hits "Heaven", "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You", "All For Love" (with Rod Stewart and Sting) and "Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?". In addition to these recordings he has been awarded the Order Of Canada from the country he was born in, which is the Canadian equivalent of the British MBE. His honest live performances and concerts are well documented, making him one of the most exciting live acts in the world. He has used his concerts to benefit others over the years. Some examples are The Prince's Trust, Live Aid and The Concert for Freedom for Nelson Mandela, Greenpeace, Amnesty International, NetAid/London and others. On his world tour of 92/93/94 he helped created the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, by issuing over half a million postcards to the fans at the shows, encouraging them to write and send them to Governments opposed to the sanctuary. Most recently, Bryan's focus has been on supporting breast cancer. After contributing a song to an album and campaign to help find a cure for breast cancer with Self Magazine in America, he went on to organizing a benefit concert in Canada early in 1998 and raised over a million dollars to build a breast-screening center at the St. Catherine's General Hospital with supermodel Linda Evangelista. That led to the release of "Made In Canada," a best selling book of his black and white photographs of Canadian women including Celine Dion, Alanis Morrisette, Joni Mitchell and many others. All royalties from this book went to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. Awards have been numerous with a Grammy, an American Music Award, countless industry and songwriting awards and accolades including three Academy Award nominations for his music and lyrics in film soundtracks. Universal Records has just released his 12th album this fall entitled "The Best Of Me" - Adams's end of the decade greatest hits collection that includes two new songs, the beatley title track 'The Best Of Me' and the trippy dance track 'Don't Give Up'. The future seems clear that Adams is unstoppable. In 1999, Adams and his power trio of Keith Scott on guitar and Mickey Curry on drums, completed over 120 concerts in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. They are touring Canada in January 2000 with concert dates booked well into the first year of this new millennium. Look for concerts in America, Australia, Japan and more dates in Europe later this year and into the next. (Source : Official Site)

If you don't know who Bryan Adams is by now you've probably been living under a rock! This guy is dynamite incredibly talented and incredibly popular in most countries around the world. In his book, BRYAN ADAMS: The Official Biography (Firefly Books 1995) Bryan says "I always knew I'd be in music in some sort of capacity. I didn't know if I'd be successful at it, but I knew I'd be doing something in it. Maybe get a job in a record store. Maybe even play in a band. I never got into this to be a star. The idea of being 'famous' wasn't part of the plan. When I was fifteen or sixteen, buying records and listening to The Who was all the escapism I needed. Nothing else really seemed to matter. School seemed unimportant, music being the only thing that gave me something to look forward to. There were a lot of years sitting on a bus or a station wagon, slipping on black ice, touring across America and Canada before things started to happen ... I remember those times ... there have been many more since then. Some of them are remembered in this book". Bryan, unfortunately for his many Aussie fans, has no immediate plans to return 'Down Under'. Bryan's current album is "The Best of Me" and he has a single that was #1 in the UK and #3 in Europe with dance artist "Chicane". The song is called "Don't Give Up" on Sony Records and is available as a hidden track on his "Best of Me" collection or on Chicane's new album "Behind The Sun". Interview by June Bird, April 2000. June: Hi Bryan, I believe you're a vegan ..... when did you cut out all meat and dairy? Bryan: I'm not completely vegan, I will accept tiny amounts of butter and I normally scrape off cheese when it's on top of pasta or something ... I completely stopped eating dead creatures in 1989. June: Any difficulties with said veganism? Bryan: Well, there is. Especially when you have to rely on restaurants. It can be grim. You never know what the soup base is made of or if they've slipped a little bacon into your sandwich ... I'm the worst dinner date! June: What's the best part of being vegan for you? Bryan: The concept that you're not ingesting rotting flesh sort of sums it up for me. June: Why did you decide to go vegan? Bryan: I ate a big steak in 1988 and never felt worse. That was it, boom, over. Never again. June: Can you think of any significant events while growing up that shaped your compassionate thinking towards animals? Bryan: Having dogs around us was great, that really shaped my compassion, but I also ride, and I love horses, so it wasn't hard to appreciate the beauty and intelligence of other creatures. June: Do some people think that this is just a fad? That you'll change your mind and go back to eating animals? Bryan: At first they did, but 11 years later .... no. June: What do your parents and siblings think about you being vego? Bryan: I have quietly convinced my mum, brother and my band to switch altho' they are just vegetarians not vegans. June: In the future will there be any songs from you that would promote cruelty-free living? Bryan: Never say never! June: Do you hope (like I do) that everyone else will soon realise that there's no need to eat animals to stay healthy? Bryan: I don't actively campaign for it, but I'd like to think so. Ultimately you can't change some people. For example, my dad doesn't want to know. June: Funny that neither does my dad though my mother is 99% there. So, exactly what sort of things do you weird vegos eat anyway?! Bryan: Pastas, soups, roasted veggies, homemade pizzas, salads, potatoes ... it's endless. June: When you're touring have you found that there's plenty of good vego fare around? What's the best and worst country for finding vegan grub? Bryan: It's impossible and Germany is the worst, but then again so are most Far East countries. We travel with a cook on tour. Our schedule is so different to other people that we have to have someone looking after the food. Have you ever tried eating a full meal before you sing? It's impossible, you can only eat after the gig. that means dinner at 11:00 at night. What restaurant does that in every town ... ? Fuggedaboutit! June: Are you a good cook? Bryan: Baked potatoes and salad ... the best you've ever had! June: Anyone ever make fun of your beliefs? Bryan: Never! On the contrary, a lot of them have converted. June: What about eating out at picnics etc with friends? Bryan: I went out the other night with some Jamaican friends and they ate chicken ..... while I ate the rice and salad, and it was fine! June: How far 'gone' are you with regards to wearing leather and using other animal by-products? Bryan: I sometimes wear leather shoes and I have two different types of doonas. Admittedly, one still does have feathers. (Source : www.animal-lib.org.au) 
He describes himself as a busker who got lucky, and now cuddly Canuck Bryan Adams has teamed up with Spice Girl Mel C on his latest album. Gary Terratzo gets his man. One of the many great things about pop music is the strange bedfellows it can throw together. Bing Crosby and David Bowie, Sinatra and Bono, Costello and Bacharach, Simon and Garfunkel . . . the list is as endless as it is surreal and here comes another hit from the collaborative bong - Mel C and Bryan Adams. Yup, we're talking Sporty Spice/Boring Spice/the Scouser and the Canuck together in perfect harmony on their single "When You're Gone". While Mel's pop sister Scary Spice can get in a bit of bump and grind by duetting with Missy Elliot on the very fab "I Want You Back", it has been left to Sporty to eschew the exotic and chow down with rock's biggest ordinary Joe, bread and butter journeyman Bryan. The unlikely pair met on the set of Top of The Pops when he was cranking out yet another one of his countless hits and the Spice Girls (can you Adam and Eve it?) were performing their very first song, "Wannabe". "Yeah, I originally met Mel at Top of The Pops years ago when they had "Wannabe"," Bryan recalls. "Then we met in LA. I'm a fan of The Spice Girls, I'm a fan of anybody who can get themselves out of the s**t and make something of themselves. They did it so well, they are so clever, really clever. Clever man, just really clever.'" They're clever then. Bry's song with Sporty is the latest in a long line of duets for the retiring Canadian. He previously sang with Barry White, Tina Turner, Celine Dion and Luciano Pavorotti, and when I venture that Scouse Spice is the best singer of the fab four Bryan doesn't disagree. "When You're Gone" was actually completed from different locations, "Ebony And Ivory" stylee, which might have helped mollify those fun loving souls in Virgin Records who didn't want Mel C appearing with Bryan in the first place. "Virgin Records didn't want to help us at all," he says. "They were most uncooperative. They did everything they could to try and stop Mel's picture and her name being on the record, everything. I've no idea why. I think what it was is that The Spice Girls have a single out at the same time as "When You're Gone" and they don't want anything to detract from that." Over the years, Bryan Adams has perfected the classic rock 'n' roll strut, except his take on power chords and plaid shirts also has a strong dose of sensitivity running through it. After all, everything he does, he does it for us. When I meet him, he's dressed like a member of that band of Sharons B*witched rather than a multimillion selling pop star - the turn-ups on his dark blue denim jeans measure at least ten inches deep and his denim shirt has a strangle hold on his torso. Although he is good humoured, Adams clearly does not like talking about himself. At least this is preferable to the excruciating psychobabble churned out by his fellow Canadian Alanis Morissette. In a twenty-year career littered with awards, trophies and platinum discs, Adams hasn't veered much from his meat-and-two-veg brand of soft rock. In other words, there is no danger of Bryan Adams going trip hop. On his latest album "On a Day Like Today" he ploughs the same furrow, although the presence of ex-Cure bassist (one of The Cure's many ex-bassists) Phil Thornalley has made a small difference. "They're just the songs I wrote," explains Bryan. "That's the way they came out. I think this album is quite a soulful record, not soulful as in R & B soulful but my kind of soul which is as about as soulful as I get. I could have called the album "Bryan Adams' Soul Train"." (Source : www.muse.ie) 
Bryan Adams (Source : www.indiatimes.com) He has always been an object of desire for his female fans and as a sex symbol he stands tall among the likes of Brad Pitt, Ricky Martin and Tom Cruise. He has a bigger and devoted fan following than all the Latino crooners put together. The biggest pop-rock icon in history, his white T-shirt and blue jeans became his trademark and spawned look-a-likes everywhere, from Broadway to the mean streets of New York. Well, ladies and gentlemen let us introduce you to the forever young, Bryan Adams of the long hair and husky voice. Bryan Guy Adams was born on November 5, 1959 (Scorpio) in Ontario, Canada. His father was a Canadian diplomat constantly on the move; as a result his schooling was spread over countries like Portugal, Israel, Austria and England (not exactly in that order). At the tender age of 12 he had to bear the pain of the separation of his parents. Henceforth he lived with his mother in Vancouver, British Columbia. Around the same time he was fascinated by guitar and was soon playing the stringed instrument very well. The age of 16 was a significant one in his life as he quit school in the same year, bought a grand piano and joined bands. In his 17th year he came in contact with Jim Vallence, a lyric writer who had written for the Canadian band Prism. The partnership flowered in the 1979 disco-styled Canadian single Let Me Take You Dancing. This eventually landed Adams into a contract with A&M Records. The following years he merely tagged along with a couple of releases, some doing fine the rest not really, although You Want It, You Got It in 1982 managed to reach the US charts, but then these were the formative years for Bryan. Anyway with that kind of attitude and talent it was only a matter of time till he had his first commercial success. It came soon with Cuts Like A Knife in 1983. The ballad Straight From The Heart reached the top ten while This Time and the title track managed a place among the top 25. The year 1984 was one helluva great one for Adams as it saw the release of Run To You his second top ten single. Reckless was a chart scorching release all the way and sold more than five million copies. This album also announced the arrival of Bryan Adams in the same league as Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart and Bonnie Tyler. The 1991 album Into The Fire did not do as well as its predecessor and just one of the featured tracks Heat Of The Night made it to the top ten. The opening year of 90's brought with it glory as he returned with Everything I Do (I Do It For You). The single was also featured in the motion picture Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves. The single stayed on top of the US charts for seven weeks while it rocked the British charts for a mind boggling 15 weeks. So far so good for Bryan and echoing the same feeling So Far So Good was released the following year, 1992. This album was a collection of his greatest hits and also featured a brand new Please Forgive Me. The ballad was another top ten stuff by the rocker. In collaboration with Sting and Rod Stewart he produced All For One for Three Musketeers. In 1995 Have You Ever Loved A Woman made it to the top place and staying there for five weeks. The song was included in Johny Depp starrer Don Juan De Marco. His last two releases 18 'Till I Die came out in 1996 and On A Day Like Today in 1998 reaffirming his ability to belt out chart busters at will. As of now, he has a 20 satisfying and productive years behind him and not many artists can boast of a career like him. His awards include a Grammy, an American music award and three Oscar nominations, the Order of Canada apart from numerous other awards and felicitations. A tremendous stage performer, he has appeared in more than 150 concert shows around the globe. Behind all that hype and glitter and that image of a sex symbol, lies a simple and earthy Bryan Adams who uses his concerts to benefit organizations like Green peace, Amnesty International, Net/Aid, London and the society at large. He is actively involved in supporting the fight against breast cancer and earnings from concerts and other sources have gone in to build the breast-scanning center at St. Catherine General Hospital.

LLMO Exclusive: The Bryan Adams Interview (Source : www.lethbridgelife.com) Lethbridge Life Magazine Online was thrilled to get an exclusive online interview with Canadian performer, Bryan Adams, prior to his concert in our city. The following interview describes a creative, down-to-earth soul who is enjoying life and trying to keep it simple - a difficult concept when you have been catapulted into the level of international stardom and affiliated with such notables as Celine Dion, Tina Turner, Rod Stewart and Barbra Streisand just to name a few. Enjoy! LLMO: The last time you played Lethbridge, you were a Canadian success but not yet an international one. At what point did you feel you approached international stardom? Bryan Adams: After we came back from playing Europe in 1985 - something happened in America while we were away doing that tour - the album exploded - and I mean EXPLODED. Suddenly, we were selling out arenas when we were used to playing small theaters and clubs. I remember walking up to Keith my guitarist on stage the first night of our American tour and saying to him, "what're we doing different?" The fact was, we weren't doing anything different; it was just our time and people liked it. LLMO: What songs were instrumental in catapulting you to that level? Bryan Adams: All of them. LLMO: What is it like being a Canadian in an international atmosphere? Or is that even an issue? Bryan Adams: It's good, because Canada is considered by most people in the world as this idyllic place that never rocks the boat politically, so it's OK to travel about without any trouble. I just wish we had a better leader in our country. LLMO: How are you accepted by other countries? Bryan Adams: Very well. We tour all over the world, in places as obscure as the Middle East to and Vietnam. It's incredible. We just came back from Russia, Romania and Croatia. LLMO: What inspires you to create music? Is there a need from within your soul to constantly be creative musically? Bryan Adams: It's the idea of creating something from nothing. It's impossible to work if you're stressed out, so I try and eliminate as much stress from my life as I can...then I let the river flow. LLMO: Who has been instrumental in shaping you as a person? As a musician and performer? Bryan Adams: I suppose my folks would have helped quite a bit, but I had many influences, some of my teachers, fellow musicians, producers, friends and lovers too. LLMO: You have achieved so much as a musician and a singer in the last 20 years, gaining acclaim on a global scale. Is there anything in your musical career that you yet wish to attain? Bryan Adams: Not really. I'm not after world 'jacko' domination or anything LLMO: What would you say is your most memorable achievement in your musical career? Bryan Adams: Passing the audition. LLMO: Where is the most interesting venue, city, audience that you have performed for? Bryan Adams: Hmm the first one that comes to mind is this roman amphitheater in Cesarea in Israel. There is also Madison Square Gardens, Wembley Stadium, the Bottom Line in NYC, doing three nights at the PNE in Vancouver, Live Aid, last night in Lebanon, Beirut...the list is endless. LLMO: How have your photographic projects like "Made In Canada" and "Haven" enriched your life both from an artistic and a personal level? Bryan Adams: It's made me stop thinking about music long enough to get myself really excited about songs when they have appeared naturally. Lets just say it's a great diversion. LLMO: When did you become interested in photography as an art? Bryan Adams: I suppose watching other photographers in action and seeing the results LLMO: Did you study visual arts at one point in your life? Bryan Adams: No, I am totally empirical in my work. I just mess around until I see something I like. LLMO: What is it about photography that you find the most fascinating? Bryan Adams: It's the idea of creating something from nothing, but it's also about creating art. I know that with a little luck and patience, I can do great work. LLMO: With your combined audio and visual interests, do you contribute in any way to the production of your music videos? Bryan Adams: No sadly, and if you want to know the truth...I dislike most of my videos except the more recent ones, aside from 'the best of me' which was truly awful. LLMO: Imagine you are in your ultimate relaxation mode: a) What is your favorite thing to do? Bryan Adams: Be in Jamaica b) What music are you listening to? Bryan Adams: Bob Dylan, Ziggy stardust (bowie), my new demos, Craig David and Bob Marley c) What author or book are you be reading? Bryan Adams: I just read Nathaniel's nutmeg...brilliant d) What restaurant are you at? Bryan Adams: Indian or Italian e) What kind of food are you eating? Bryan Adams: Indian or Italian f) Who are you with? Bryan Adams: Someone I liked hopefully, someone that can make me laugh or giggle about silly things. LLMO: What life do you still strive to achieve? Musically? Personally? Bryan Adams: I like the idea of a place somewhere I can go and space out by the sea....somewhere warm. Musically, I'm happy with the new songs and don't really want to think about achievements. I'm gonna do what I have always done...it's about music after all. LLMO: Describe who Bryan Adams is in this point in your life? Bryan Adams: a guy with most of his head screwed on, the little bit that isn't - is making things very interesting. Bryan Adams' most current CD release of Best of Me is a collection of greatest-hits. His interest in photography is exhibited in the publication, Made in Canada, featuring portraits of famous Canadian women - all proceeds of this book have been gifted to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation.

Bryan Adams (Source : www.indya.com) Canadian singer Bryan Adams is synonymous with mainstream pop-rock music today. Since starting his solo career in 1980, Adams has sold more than 45 million albums worldwide. Adams discontinued school at 16 to tour with his first band, Shock. In 1977 he performed with the band Sweeny Todd before embarking on a solo career under manager Bruce Allen and songwriter Jim Vallance. His 1980 solo debut wasnt successful even in his homeland, but his 1981 follow-up, You Want It, You Got It earned him four Canadian hit singles. 1983's Cuts Like A Knife, Adams' first foray into the U.S. market, went platinum in less than a year. His single, Straight from the Heart peaked at No. 10 on the Billboard chart and Heaven, from the album Reckless (1984, which also featured Summer of 69) became No. 1 in the U.S. That year Adams received Juno awards, the Canadian equivalent of the Grammy. His 1987 album, Into the Fire, sold one million copies. The handsome star debuted onscreen in 1988 with Clint Eastwoods Pink Cadillac. A 1990 cover of Pink Floyd's Young Lust, climbed the charts as fans eagerly awaited Adams' next album. In June 1991 Adams' Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves soundtrack (Everything I Do) I Do It For You, debuted at No. 1 in the U.S., U.K. and Canada. This hastened the release of Waking Up the Neighbours, which entered the British charts at No. 1. Worldwide sales of this album exceeded 10 million copies. A Greatest Hits package in 1993, sold over 13 million copies thanks to the No. 1 single Please Forgive Me. Adams' other hit that year was All For Love, recorded with Rod Stewart and Sting for The Three Musketeers. In mid-1994 a live album, Live! Live! Live!, was issued worldwide. In 1995 Adams released the Don Juan de Marco soundtrack, Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman which reached No. 1 in the U.S. staying there for four weeks. That same year he released a duet with Bonnie Raitt. 1996 saw Adams next album, 18 Till I Die which featured a more rockin' sound and a new look for Adams. Adams' 10th studio album, On a Day Like Today, was released in 1998.